Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-3895-342-340008Table 1-1. Engine Repair and Rebuild DataTable 1-1. Engine Repair and Rebuild Data ContinuedTable 1-2. Nat and Bolt Torque DateFigure 9-4. Axle and frame assembliesTrailer Frame AssemblyChapter 2. DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection III. GENERAL MAINTENANCESection IV. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS AND AUXILIARIESDrive and Hoist AssemblyChapter 3: REPAIR OF ENGINEFigure 3-2. Governor, exploded view.CarburetorFigure 3-3. Carburetor, exploded viewCleaning, Inspection and Repair.Figure 3-4. Magneto, exploded viewStarting Motor - TM-5-3895-342-340024Figure 3-5. Starting motor, exploded view.Clutch Housing AssemblyFigure 3-6. Clutch housing, exploded view.Clutch AssemblyFigure 3-8. Clutch assemblySection II. ENGINE COMPONENTSTable 3-1. Flywheel Alternator CheckFigure 3-9. Valve assembly, valve inset and valve guide, exploded view.Figure 3-10. Gear cover removal. Timing Gears and Gear Cover Spacer.Figure 3-13. Idler, camshaft, and oil pump gears removal.Figure 3-14. Gear cover spacer removal.Oil Pump - TM-5-3895-342-340037Baffle Plates, Connecting Rod, and Piston AssembliesFigure 3-18. Connecting rod caps and baffle plates removal.Crankshaft AssemblyFigure 3-20. Crankshaft assembly, exploded view.Camshaft and Valve Lifters.Cylinder Blocks and CrankcaseDisassembly.Chapter 4: REPAIR OF WATER SYSTEMWater TankFigure 4-3. Water tank, exploded view.Chapter 5: REPAIR OF DISCHARGE SPOUT ASSEMBLYFigure 5-1. Discharge spout assembly, exploded view.Discharge Spout Assembly.Chapter 6: REPAIR OF SKIP, SKIP VIBRATOR ASSEMBLY, AND SKIP HOIST ASSEMBLYFigure 6-1. Skip vibrator assembly, exploded view.Section II. SKIP HOIST ASSEMBLYChapter 7: REPAIR OF DRIVE AND HOIST ASSEMBLYFigure 7-1. Gear reduction case assembly, exploded view.Gear Reduction Case AssemblyChapter 8: REPAIR OF DRUM, AND ROLLER ASSEMBLYDrum Rollers and ShaftDrum Ring GearChapter 9: REPAIR OF UNDER CARRIAGE ASSEMBLYFigure 9-1. Wheel assembly, explode view.Towing StubFigure 9-3. Fifth wheel radius rods and steering knuckle, exploded view.APPENDIX A: REFERENCESTM-5-3895-342-34 Mixer Concrete 4-Wheel Trailer Mounted Gasoline Engine Driven Non Tilt 16 Cu Ft (T.L. Smith Co. Model 499A) Manual