TM 5-3895-359-14&P
Fig. 31. Sealing Surfaces which may Require
Fig. 29. Cleaning Injector Body Ring with Tool J
8. Withdraw the injector control rack from the injector
body. Also remove the seal ring from the body.
Then raise the spring above the stop pin with a screw
Clean Injector Parts
driver and withdraw the pin. Allow the spring to rise
Since most injector difficulties are the result of dirt
particles, it is essential that a clean area be provided on
3. Refer to Fig. 24 and remove the plunger follower,
which to place the injector parts after cleaning and
plunger and spring as an assembly.
4. Invert the fixture and, using socket J 4983-01, loosen
Wash all of the parts with clean fuel oil or a suitable
cleaning solvent and dry them with clean, filtered
compressed air. Do not use waste or rags for cleaning
5. Lift the injector nut straight up, being careful not to
purposes. Clean out all of the passages, drilled holes
dislodge 'the spray tip and valve parts. Remove the
and slots in all of the injector parts.
spray tip and valve parts from the bushing and place
them in a clean receptacle until ready for assembly.
Carbon on the inside of the spray tip may be loosened
for easy removal by soaking for approximately 15
When an injector has been in use for some time, the
minutes in a suitable solution prior to the external
spray tip, even though clean on the outside, may not be
cleaning and buffing operation.
pushed readily from the nut with the fingers. In this
event, support the nut on a wood block and drive the tip
Clean the spray tip with tool J 9464-01 (Fig. 27).
down through the nut, using tool J 1291-02 as shown in
Fig. 26.
6. Refer to Fig. 36 and remove the spill deflector.
Then lift the bushing straight out of the injector body.
7. Remove the injector body from the holding fixture.
Turn the body upside down and catch the gear retainer
and gear in your hand as they fall out of the body.
Fig. 32. Examining Sealing Surface with a
Magnifying Glass
Fig. 30. Cleaning Injector Nut Spray Tip Seat with
Tool J 9418-5