TM 5-3895-372-34
Sand and Stone Bins.
a. Preparation.
Prior to the removal of the sand and stone bins, the following must be completed: (Refer to TM 53895-372-
(1) Empty sand and stone bin.
(2) Drain liquid admix tanks.
(3) Empty cement bin.
(4) Drain water tank.
(5) Empty dry admix bin.
(6) Remove auger mixer extension chutes.
(7) Remove quick loading hopper.
In your TM 92320-273-10 the following tasks must be completed:
(8) Lower pusher axle.
(9) Drain air tanks.
In your TM 5-3895-372-20 the following tasks must be completed:
(10)Remove conveyor belt.
(11)Remove oil tank reservoir.
(12)Remove oil filter.
(13)Remove bypass valve.
(14)Remove hydraulic relief valve.
(16)Remove control valve.
(17)Remove four vibrators.
(18)Remove air lubricator.
(19)Remove air lines and valves.
(20)Remove air filter.
(21)Remove fluffier valve.
(22)Remove winch cable.
(23)Remove winch assembly.
(24)Remove wiring harness.
(25)Remove marker lamps.