TM 5-3895-359-14&P
plus a corrosion inhibitor or permanent type antifreeze
inspect the radiator and engine for water leaks.
NOTE: When draining or filling, the
cooling system must be vented.
After the radiator core has been thoroughly cleaned and
dried, reinstall the fan shroud and grill, if removed.
Remove Radiator
Remove radiator as follows:
1. Remove the radiator filler cap and open the drain
cock to drain the cooling system. Also open the drain
cock on the oil cooler and the engine block.
2. Remove the five (5) bolts that attach the hood to the
radiator shell.
3. Remove the four (4) bolts, two each side that attach
the side covers to the radiator shell.
4. Remove the top and bottom radiator hoses.
5. Remove the four (4) bolts that attach the fan shroud
to the radiator. Slide shroud over fan and hang on fan.
6. Disconnect headlight wire.
7. Remove the four (4) bolts, two each side that attach
the radiator shell to the mixer frame.
8. Using a hoist, lift the radiator shell off the machine.
Place the shell in a suitable workplace.
Fig. 1 Removing Radiator, Shell and Shroud with
9. Remove the eight (8) bolts, four each side that attach
Lifting Hook (Typical)
the radiator to the radiator shell and remove radiator.
Check all radiator hoses and clamps. Replace cracked
and deteriorated hoses and damaged clamps.
Clean all radiator parts thoroughly, removing dirt, scale
Install Radiator
and other deposits.
Assemble the radiator and radiator shell. Then mount
Examine the radiator for cracks or other damage. The
the assembly on the engine base by reversing the
radiator core fins should be straight and evenly spaced
procedure given for removal.
to permit the full flow of cooling air. The core tubes
should be clean inside and outside and have no leaks.
Check the clearance between the tips of the fan blades
and radiator shroud after the radiator is in place. There
If repainting the radiator core becomes necessary, it is
must be sufficient clearance between these parts or
recommended that a thin coat of dull black radiator paint
damage to the fan and shroud will result when the
or another high quality flat black plaint be used.
engine is started.
Ordinary oil paints have an undesirable glossy finish and
do not transmit heat as well.