TM 5-3895-359-14&P
In order to perform its functions satisfactorily, the
Remove Lubricating Oil Cooler
lubricating oil must be kept within the proper
temperature limits. If the oil is too cold, it will not flow
Drain the cooling system by opening the drain
freely. If the oil is too hot, it cannot support the bearing
valve at the bottom of the oil cooler housing (Fig. 1).
loads, it cannot carry away enough heat, and it may
result in too great an oil flow. As a consequence, oil
Remove the bolts and lock washers that attach
pressure may drop below acceptable limits and oil
the water inlet connector to the oil cooler housing.
consumption may become excessive.
Loosen the clamp on the water pump inlet seal.
In performing its lubricating and cooling functions, the oil
absorbs a considerable amount of heat and this heat
Remove the bolts attaching the oil cooler
must be dissipated by an oil cooler.
housing to the adaptor, and remove the housing and
core as an assembly. Be careful when withdrawing the
The lubricating oil cooler is located on the side of the
assembly not to drop or damage the oil cooler core.
Remove all traces of gasket material from the
To assure engine lubrication if the oil cooler becomes
oil cooler components.
clogged, a bypass valve located at the oil inlet to the
cooler bypasses oil around the cooler directly to the oil
If the core openings are not marked IN and
gallery in the cylinder block.
OUT, mark the openings.
The core through which the oil passes while being
If the adaptor is to be removed, remove the
cooled is sealed to prevent coolant from getting into the
bolts that hold the adaptor to the cylinder block and
oil. Whenever an oil cooler is assembled, special care
remove the adaptor and gaskets.
must be taken to have the proper gaskets in place and
the retaining bolts tight.
Clean the oil cooler core as outlined under
Clean Oil Cooler Core.
Pressure check the oil cooler core as outlined
under Pressure Check oil Cooler Core.
Clean Oil Cooler Core
Clean Oil Side of Core - Circulate a solution of
trichloroethylene through the core passages with a force
pump to remove carbon and sludge.
This operation should be done in the open or in a
well ventilated room when trichloroethylene or other
toxic chemicals are used for cleaning.
Clean the core before the sludge hardens. If the oil
passages are badly clogged, circulate an Oakite or
alkaline solution through the core and flush thoroughly
with clean hot water.
Clean Water Side of Core - After cleaning oil
side of the core, immerse it in the following solution:
add one-half (1/2) pound of oxalic acid to each two and
Figure 1. Typical Lubricating Oil Cooler
one-half (2 1/2) gallons of solution composed of one-
Mounting-Radiator Cooled Engine
third (1/3) muriatic acid and two-thirds (2/3) water.
The cleaning action is evidenced by bubbling and