TM 5-3895-359-14&P
conditions, there should be a coating
lubricating oil and change the oil
of lubricating oil throughout the
cylinder head area and puddles of oil
where the fuel pipes contact the
level with the recommended grade of
connectors and where the fuel
connectors contact the cylinder
6. Perform a complete engine tune-up as outlined in
head. If these areas do not have the
Chapter 10. However, if only one injector has been
normal coating of lubricating oil, it is
removed and replaced and the other injectors and the
likely that fuel oil is leaking and
governor adjustment have not been disturbed, it will only
washing off the lubricating oil.
be necessary to adjust the valve clearance and time the
Remove and replace the leaking fuel
injector for the one cylinder, and to position the injector
pipes and/or connectors. Reinstall
rack control lever.
the rocker cover. Then drain the