TM 5-3895-359-14&P
10. Apply a small amount of grease or heavy oil on
seal (10) to prevent it from tearing during assembly.
DO NOT REMOVE the spool as the
11. Insert the internal-chamfered end of the T-273
seals can be replaced externally.
special tool into the spool bore of the valve housing
Prevent spool from turning or
from the front side of the valve and through the new
moving by inserting a screw driver
seal. Push spool forward until the spool and tool
through clevis slot, or ruling a rod
make contact. Push spool further forward against
through the pin hole and using as a
tool until rear seal groove is completely exposed,
handle. DO NOT hold the spool with
but no further.
a wrench.
This will destroy the
12. Install new seal (10) in back groove and apply
grease or heavy oil. Insert T-273 special tool
4. Pull spool towards front end of valve just far
(internal-chamfered end first) carefully into back
enough to expose the back seal (10) in housing.
bore through seal until it makes contact with spool.
5. Remove back seal (10).
From front side, push spool back approximately
6. Push spool in opposite direction (towards back
end) until front seal (10) is fully exposed.
13. Reinstall complete handle assembly, installing
7. Remove front seal (10) from housing.
handle pin (9) and cotter pin (8).
8. Be sure that body seal grooves are thoroughly
14. Reinstall the complete spring assembly on back
and carefully cleaned.
of spool, spring (7), collar (6), lockwasher (5), spool
9. Insert new seal (10) in front groove, being very
collar (4), and spool assembly screw (3). Be sure
careful that the open end (end with wiping edges) of
the spool assembly screw (3) is securely tightened
the seal is placed towards the center of the valve
body. It will be very helpful to pinch one side of the
15. Install bonnet assembly (1) and secure with
seal, causing the seal to bend into a shape slightly
screws (2).
smaller than the seal groove in the valve. When the
seal has been properly placed in seal groove,
straighten the seal by running a smooth rod around
the exposed surface of the seal until you have it well
seated. To check this, run your finger around the
exposed edge of the seal. You should have a
smooth perfect ridge with no kinks.