TM 5-3895-359-14&P
Diesel Engine Model and Serial Numbers
On all current Series 71 engines, the engine serial
number and the engine model number are stamped on
number and model number are also stamped on the
Option Plate (when used) attached to the valve rocker
Diesel Engine Serial Number
The engine serial number is prefixed by numerals
indicating the number of cylinders and the letter "A"
Figure 1-6. Option Plate
which designates a Series 71 engine.
With any order for parts, the engine model number and
Diesel Engine Model Number
serial number must be given. In addition, if a type
Current Series 71 engines are identified by an eight digit
number is shown on the option plate covering the
equipment required, this number should also be
1065-7001 illustrated is interpreted as follows: Series
included on the parts order.
71 In-line engine (1), six-cylinder (06), generator set (5),
right-hand rotation with "C" accessory arrangement (7),
All groups of parts used on a unit are standard for the
four-valve head "N" engine (0) and specific model
engine model unless otherwise listed on the option
variation No. 1 (01).
Built-in Parts Book
The Built -In Parts Book is a photoetched aluminum
plate (Option Plate) that fit into a holding channel on the
engine valve rocker cover and contains the necessary
Information required when ordering parts.
It is
recommended that the engine user read the section on
the Built -In Parts Book in order to take full advantage of
the information provided on the engine option plate.
Numerous exploded view type illustrations are included
to assist the user in identifying and ordering service
Pump Engine
Pump engines are of the four cycle type, in which each
of the four operations of suction, compression,
expansion and exhaust requires a complete stroke. This
gives one power stroke per cylinder for each two
revolutions of the crankshaft.
Cooling is accomplished by a flow of air, circulated over
Figure 1-5. Typical Engine Serial Number and
the cylinders and heads of the engine, by a combination
Model Number as Stamped on Cylinder Block
fan-flywheel encased in a sheet metal shroud. The air is
Option Plate
divided and directed by ducts and baffle plates to insure
uniform cooling of all parts.
An option plate, attached to the valve rocker cover (only
one valve rocker cover of a multiple engine unit), is
Never operate an engine with any part of the
stamped with the engine serial number and model
shrouding removed- this will retard air cooling.
number and, in addition, lists any optional equipment