TM 5-3895-372-10
Check to be sure that you have recorded the weight of empty container, weight of container with
cement, time and register count for each container. See facing page for copy of worksheet.
(a) Fill In serial number on worksheet.
(b) Subtract empty weight (b) from full weight (a) to find cement weight (c) for each container.
(c) Add up total cement weight, total time and total meter count.
(d) Fill in total pounds and multiply by .02. Subtract to find adjusted weight.
(e) Divide total meter count by adjusted weight.
(f) Multiply by 94 (the number of pounds in a cubic foot of cement).
(g) Divide total time by adjusted weight.
(h) Multiply by 94.
(i) When the meter count varies from the original calibration by more than 4 points, It Is recommended
that the calibration be rechecked. Refill cement bin and carefully repeat the preparation steps listed in
paragraph 2-2 k
(1). If
meter count does not come within the 4
point range the second time, report
problem to Organizational Maintenance.