TM 5-3895-369-14
Parts of the brake assembly may be coated with asbestos dust; breathing this dust can harm personnel.
Use a filter mask approved for use against asbestos dust.
Never use compressed air or dry brush to clean these assemblies.
Use an industrial type vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency filter system to remove dust.
Use water and a soft bristle brush or cloth to remove dirt or mud.
Both left and right brake assemblies are removed the same way. This procedure is the same for both
brake assemblies.
(1) Remove lower shoe retaining spring (1).
(2) Remove shoe hold down spring (2) and spring plate (3) from the primary brake shoe (4) by pushing spring
toward backing plate (5) while removing hold-down spring retaining pin (6).
(3) Pull primary brake shoe (4) so that hand brake anchor rod (7) drops out of socket (8).
(4) Raise primary shoe (4) and remove upper shoe retaining spring (9) and primary shoe.
(5) Remove hand brake cable (10) from secondary shoe (11).
(6) Remove shoe hold down spring (12), spring plate (13), and hold-down spring retaining pin (14) from
secondary brake shoe (11).
(7) Raise secondary shoe (11) and remove upper shoe retaining spring (15) and secondary shoe.
(8) If damaged remove two cotter pins (16),
pin (17), and socket (8) from primary
shoe (4). Discard cotter pins.