TM 5-3895-359-14&P
The drain interval may be established on the
recommendations of an independent oil analysis
Item 4 - Cooling System
laboratory or the oil supplier (based upon the used oil
Check the coolant level daily and make sure it covers
sample analysis) until the most practical oil change
the radiator tubes. Add coolant as necessary. Do not
period has been determined. Select the proper grade of
oil in accordance with the instructions given in the
Make a visual check for cooling system leaks. Check
for an accumulation of coolant beneath the vehicle
during periods when the engine is running and when the
engine is stopped.
If the lubricating oil is drained immediately after
an engine has been run for some time, most of the
Clean the cooling system annually or every 1,000 hours,
sediment will be in suspension and will drain
using a good radiator cleaning compound in accordance
with the instructions on the container. After the cleaning
operation, rinse the cooling system thoroughly with fresh
Item 2 - Fuel Tank
water. Then fill the system with soft water, adding a
good grade of rust inhibitor or a high boiling point type
minimum. Select the proper grade of fuel in accordance
With the use of a proper antifreeze or rust inhibitor, this
interval may be lengthened until, normally, this cleaning
Open the drain at the bottom of the fuel tank every 500
is done only in the spring or fall. The length of this
hours to drain off any water and/or sediment.
interval will, however, depend upon an inspection for
rust or other deposits on the internal walls of the cooling
Every 12 months (700 hours) tighten all fuel tank
system. When a thorough cleaning of the cooling
mountings and brackets. At the same time, check the
system is required, it should be reverse flushed.
seal in the fuel tank cap, the breather hole in the cap
and the condition of the crossover fuel line. Repair or
Inspect all of the cooling system hoses at least once
replace the parts as necessary.
every 700 hours to make sure the clamps are tight and
properly seated on the hoses and to check for signs of
Item 5 - Battery(s)
water. Water is harmful to the fuel system in itself, but it
Check the specific gravity of the electrolyte in each cell
also promotes the growth of microbiological organisms
of the battery every 100 hours. In warm weather,
(microbes). These microbes clog fuel filters with a
however, it should be checked more frequently due to a
"slime" and restrict fuel flow.
more rapid loss of water from the electrolyte. The
electrolyte level should be maintained in accordance
Water can be introduced into the fuel supply through
with the battery manufacturer's recommendations.
poor maintenance (loose or open fuel tank caps),
contaminated fuel supply or condensation.
Item 6 - Air Cleaner
Under no engine operating conditions should the air inlet
Condensation is particularly prevalent on units which
restriction exceed 25 inches of water (6.2 kPa) for non-
stand idle for extended periods of time, such as marine
turbocharged engines or 20 inches of water (5.0 kPa) for
Ambient temperature changes cause
turbocharged engines. A clogged air cleaner element
will cause excessive intake restriction and a reduced air
supply to the engine.
Water accumulation can be controlled by mixing
isopropyl alcohol (dry gas) into the fuel oil at a ratio of
Dry type elements should be discarded and replaced
one pint (.5 liter) per 125 gallons (473 liters) fuel (or
with new elements after one year of service or when the
0.10%' by volume).
maximum allowable air intake restriction has been
Item 3 - Fuel Lines
cases where the air cleaner manufacturer recommends
Make a visual check for fuel leaks at the crossover lines
cleaning or washing off-highway elements, the
and at the fuel tank suction and return lines.
maximum service life is still one year or maximum
restriction. Cleaning, washing and inspection must be
Since fuel tanks are susceptible to road hazards. leaks
done per the
in this area may best be detected by checking for
accumulation of fuel under the tanks.