TM 5-3895-359-14&P
Hold the buffer screw and tighten the lock nut.
Adjust Idle Speed
With the maximum no-load speed properly adjusted, the
Adjust Booster Spring
idle speed may be adjusted as follows:
With the engine idle speed set, adjust the booster spring
Place the speed control lever in the idle position
as follows:
and the stop lever in the run position.
Move the speed control lever to the idle speed
With the engine running at normal operating
temperature, back out the buffer screw to avoid contact
Refer to Fig. 3 and loosen the booster spring
with the differential lever.
retaining nut on the speed control lever. Loosen the
lock nuts on the eye bolt at the opposite end of the
Loosen the lock nut and turn the idle speed
adjusting screw until the engine is operating at
approximately 15 rpm below the recommended idle
Move the spring retaining bolt in the slot of the
speed control lever until the center of the bolt is on or
slightly over center (toward the idle speed position) of an
The recommended idle speed is 500-600 rpm but may
imaginary line through the bolt, lever shaft and eye bolt.
vary with the engine application.
Hold the bolt and tighten the lock nut.
Hold the idle speed adjusting screw and tighten
Start the engine and move the speed control lever
the lock nut.
to the maximum speed position and release it. The
lever should return to the idle speed position. If it does
Adjust Buffer Screw
not, reduce he booster spring tension. If it does,
continue to increase the spring tension until the point is
With the idle speed set at approximately 15 rpm below
reached where it will not return to idle. Then, reduce the
the recommended idle speed, the buffer screw may be
spring tension until the lever does return to idle and
set as follows:
tighten the lock nuts on the eye bolt. This setting will
result in the minimum force required to operate the
Turn the buffer screw in until the engine is
speed control lever.
operating at the recommended idle speed. Do not raise
the engine speed more than 15 rpm with the buffer