TM 5-3895-359-14&P
Fig. 1 - Typical Cooling System with Radiator and Fan
A properly maintained and clean cooling system will
Engine Coolant
reduce engine wear and increase the satisfactory engine
The function of the engine coolant is to absorb the heat,
operating time between engine overhauls. This is
developed as a result of the combustion process in the
accomplished by the elimination of hot spots within the
cylinders, from component parts such as exhaust
engine. Thus, when operating within the proper engine
valves, cylinder liners and pistons which are surrounded
temperature range and when not exceeding the
by water jackets. In addition, the heat absorbed by the
recommended hosepower output of the unit, all engine
oil is also removed by the engine coolant in the oil-to-
parts will be within their operating temperature ranges
and at their proper operating clearances.