TM 5-3895-359-14&P
Cooling System ................................................................................................................ 10-6-1
Water Pump ..................................................................................................................... 10-6-6
Water Manifold ................................................................................................................ 10-6-10
Thermostat ....................................................................................................................... 10-6-11
Radiator ........................................................................................................................... 10-6-13
Pressure Control Cap ....................................................................................................... 10-6-15
Engine Cooling Fan .......................................................................................................... 10-6-16
Shop Notes - Specifications - Service Tools ..................................................................... 10-6-19
A radiator and cooling fan is used to effectively dissipate
circulates the engine coolant in each system.
the heat generated by the engine. A centrifugal type
thermostat is utilized to maintain a normal engine
water pump attached to and driven by the blower,
The engine coolant is circulated through the radiator
coolant passes through a water manifold, bolted to the
(Fig. 1) where the heat is absorbed in the air stream
cylinder head, past the thermostat and into the radiator.
developed by a suction fan which is belt driven from the
crankshaft. The water pump draws the coolant through
Upon starting a cold engine or when the coolant is below
the oil cooler and discharges it into the lower part of the
operating temperature (thermostat closed) the coolant is
cylinder block. Openings in the water jacket around the
by-passed from the water manifold directly to the pump,
cylinder bores connect with corresponding openings in
thus providing water circulation within the engine during
the cylinder head through which the liquid rises to
the warm-up period.
circulate around the valves and fuel injectors. Then the