TM 5-3895-359-14&P
Fig. 6 - Removing Variable Speed Spring Plunger
f. If required, the second bearing may be pressed
from the housing.
Clean all of the parts with fuel oil and dry them with
compressed air.
Inspect all of the governor components and replace
worn or damaged parts.
Revolve the operating shaft bearing and the governor
weight shaft bearing slowly by hand; replace the
bearings if rough or tight spots are detected.
Inspect the operating shaft and shaft bushing for
excessive wear. If excessive wear is noted, a new
bushing and shaft must be installed.
Fig. 7. Removing Operating Shaft from Operating
Examine the riser thrust bearing for excessive wear, flat
spots or corrosion. If any of these conditions exist, a
When installing, a new bearing in the spring housing
new thrust bearing assembly must be installed.
lever assembly, note that the roller type bearing rides on
a hardened bearing pin and is a press fit in the spring
Inspect the needle bearing or bushing and the control
lever. Also, when installing the current roller type
lever shaft for excessive wear or flat spots. If one or
bearing, the pressed-in pin must be below the surface of
both conditions exists, new bearings and control shaft
the lever and staked in three places on both sides.
must be installed.
Examine the weight carrier pins and bearings for
The bushing contained in the current cover assemblies
excessive wear and flat spots. If either of these
is not serviced. When replacement is necessary, use
conditions exist, new parts must be installed.
needle bearings.
Check the finished surface of the governor weights for
Inspect the spring lever shaft and bearings for
flat spots. If flat spots are noted, new weights should be
excessive wear or flat spots at the bearing surface. If
one or both conditions exist, a new shaft and bearings
must be installed.