TM 5-3895-359-14&P
4. With the injector tube properly positioned in the
cylinder head, upset (flare) the lower end of the injector
tube as follows:
a. Turn the cylinder head bottom side up, remove the
pilot J 5286-5 and thread the upsetting die J 5286-6 into
the tapped end of the installer J 5286-4 (Fig. 3).
b. Then, using a socket and torque wrench, apply
approximately 30 Ib-ft (41 Nm) torque on the upsetting
c. Remove the installing tools and ream the injector
tube as outlined below.
Ream Injector Tube
After an injector tube has been installed in a cylinder
head, it must be finished in three operations: First, hand
reamed, as shown in Fig. 4, to receive the injector body
nut and spray tip; second, spot-faced to remove excess
Fig. 3 - Upsetting Injector Tube
stock at the lower end of the injector tube; and third,
NOTE: The reamer should be turned in a clockwise
hand reamed, as shown in Fig. 5, to provide a good
direction only, both when inserting and when
seating surface for the bevel or the lower end of the
withdrawing the. reamer, because movement in the
injector nut. Reaming must be done carefully and
opposite direction will dull the cutting edges of the flutes.
without undue force or speed so as to avoid cutting
through the thin wall of the injector tube.
1. Ream the injector tube for the injector nut and spray
tip. With the cylinder head right side up and the injector
tube free from dirt, proceed with the first reaming
operation as follows:
a. Place a few drops of light cutting oil on the
reamer flutes, then carefully position the reamer
J 22525-1 in the injector tube.
Fig. 2 - Installing Injector Tube
Fig. 4 - Reaming Injector Tube for Injector Body Nut
and Spray Tip