TM 5-3895-359-14&P
reinstalled in their original positions to
maintain the main bearing bore
alignment. The number of the front
main bearing cap is stamped on the
face of the oil pan mounting flange of
the cylinder block, adjacent to its
permanent location in the engine as
established at the time of manufacture.
The No. I main bearing cap is always
located at the end opposite the flywheel
regardless of engine rotation or
accessory arrangement. As originally
manufactured, the main bearing caps
are installed with the numbered side
facing the blower side of the engine.
Machining of the cylinder block and
Fig. 17. Minimum Distance from Center Line of
main bearing caps is such that the
Crankshaft to Top of Cylinder Block
mating parts are "offset" to prevent
installation of the bearing caps 180
quantity of International Compound No. 2 or equivalent,
from their correct position. However. if
to the threads on the bolts and to the bolt head contact
an engine has been converted for a new
area. Then install and tighten the bolts to 165-175 lb-ft
application and the cylinder and bearing
(224238 Nm) torque. The specified bore diameter is
3.812" to 3.813". If the bores do not fall within these
reversed, the bearing caps must be
limits, the cylinder block must be rejected.
reinstalled in the original positions
regardless if the block and bearing caps
have or have not been renumbered.
b. Finished and unfinished main bearing caps are
available for replacing broken or damaged caps.
When fitting a finished replacement bearing
cap, it may be necessary to try several caps
before one will be found to provide the correct
bore diameter and bore alignment.
If a
replacement bearing cap
Fig. 18. Checking Depth of Counterbore for
Cylinder Liner with Tool J 22273
IMPORTANT: Main bearing cap bolts
are especially designed for this purpose
and must not be replaced by ordinary
Fig. 19. Cylinder Block Markings
NOTE: Bearing caps are numbered to
positions in the cylinder block. It is
imperative that the bearing caps are