TM 5-3895-359-14&P
Using a wood block and hammer, loosen impeller (G). The
impeller thread is right hand and to loosen, turn
counterclockwise. Remove impeller (G). Impeller shims
(H) and (J), seal spring (Kc) and rotating seal ring (Kb) can
then be removed.
Remove cap screws (L) and
1. Disconnect valve cylinder from pump output
intermediate coupling(M)from engine. Remove stationary
seal ring (Ka) from intermediate coupling (M), remove
2. Disconnect pump outlet hose where it joins the
sleeve (N) from engine shaft if used. Clean seal and shaft
steel elbow on the mixer frame.
sleeve. If any part of seal assembly is found to be
3. Disconnect pump engine throttle and choke
damaged, replace entire seal. If shaft sleeve shows any
sign of grooving it should be replaced. The pump can then
4. Disconnect cable from starter.
be reassembled. Secure intermediate coupling (M) to
5. Disconnect and label the wire from the oil
engine. Insert stationary seal ring (Ka) over shaft sleeve
pressure sensor.
into intermediate coupling.
6. Disconnect and label the wire from the magneto.
Be sure seal face is absolutely clean.
7. Attach a hoist to the pumping unit frame.
8. Remove the six (6) nuts and cap screws that
Oil rubber part of seal ring before insertion. Slide rotating
attach the pumping unit to the main mixer frame.
seal ring (Kb) over shaft or shaft sleeve until it contacts
9. Hoist the pumping unit off the main mixer frame
stationary seal ring in the intermediate coupling. Be sure to
and place in a suitable work area.
clean and oil rubber section that contacts shaft or sleeve.
10. Installation is the reverse procedure.
Then place seal spring (Kc) in place and screw on the
impeller (G).
Impeller Adjustment In reassembling the impeller and
Check Valve Unscrew suction flange nuts (A) and take off
pump, particular care should be taken to see that the
suction flange (B). It may be necessary to jar this loose
impeller is properly spaced with sufficient clearance
with a rubber hammer. (Do not pry with sharp instrument
between the impeller and the pump body. Failure to adjust
as it may damage gasket.) This will expose suction flange
clearance as closely as possible will result in lowered
gasket (Cc) to which are attached weights (Cb) and (Cd).
capacity of the pump. On the other hand if the impeller is
Inspect and replace parts which show excessive wear and
adjusted with tolerance so close that friction results, it will
reassemble. Make sure that the larger weight (Cd) is on
excessively load the engine, reduce its speed and lower the
the pump side of the gasket and that the long lip of the
capacity and head of the pump. Use a combination of
suction flange is installed downward.
impeller shims (J) and (H) and body gaskets (F) to result in
an impeller clearance of approximately 1/64". Failure to
Impeller and/or Seal Unbolt pump from base and
adjust clearance as closely as possible will result in
intermediate coupling to body nuts (D). Remove pump
lowering the capacity of the pump. If the impeller is worn
body (E). This will expose body gaskets (F) and impeller
so that proper clearance cannot be made, it should be
Figure 1.