TM 5-3895-359-14&P
D. Back off adjusting cams and position shoes on
push rods in wheel cylinder.
E. Hook shoe return spring in brake shoe web
A. Disconnect brake shoe return spring.
B. Remove anchor pin "C" washers and guide pin
locks and washers.
Following overhaul or when new linings are installed, the
initial adjustment should be carefully made to both
properly locate the curvature of the lining to the drum
and obtain the proper clearance.
Each shoe must be adjusted to center the brake shoe
arc in relation to the drum. Adjust cam to bring lining
into contact with the drum and rotate anchor pin
sufficiently to relieve drag. Repeat until additional
rotation of anchor pin will no longer relieve drag. Lock
anchor pin lock nut and back off cam sufficiently to
permit wheel to turn freely.
C. Remove brake shoe and lining assemblies.
D. Remove anchor pin lock nuts, lock washers and
anchor pins.
E. For complete disassembly remove cap screws,
washers and wheel cylinder assembly and
disconnect hydraulic lines.
Subsequent adjustments to compensate for lining wear
A. Position wheel cylinder, install cap screws and
are made with the eccentric cam only. Turn cam to
lock washers and tighten securely.
bring lining into contact with the drum.
hydraulic lines.
B. Insert anchor pins and install washers and lock
Back off sufficiently to permit free rolling drum.
nuts. (Punch marks must be together and wrench flats
in line.)
Repeat on opposite shoe.
C. Position shoe and lining assemblies and install
washers and lock rings.