TM 5-3895-359-14&P
4. Start and run the engine at a fast idle (1,000 to 1,200
rpm) for 30 minutes to one hour. Check the oil pressure
5. Drain the cooling system.
6. Repeat Steps 3 through 5.
5. After the specified time, stop the engine and
immediately drain the crankcase and the filter.
7. Fill the cooling system with clean water.
Sufficient time must be allowed to drain all of the fluid.
8. Let the engine run five minutes.
6. Refill the crankcase with SAE 10 engine oil after the
drain plug is replaced, and run the engine at the same
9. Drain the cooling system completely.
fast idle speed for ten or fifteen minutes. Then, stop the
engine and drain the oil thoroughly.
10. Install the engine thermostat.
7. Remove and discard the spin-on filter and install a
11. Close all of the drains and refill the engine with
new spin-on filter.
fresh coolant.
8. Install the drain plug and fill the crankcase to the
proper level with the oil recommended for normal
engine operation.
When the engine lubricating system has been
contaminated by an ethylene glycol antifreeze solution
9. To test the effectiveness of the cleaning procedure, it
or other soluble material, the following cleaning
is recommended that the engine be started and run at a
procedure, using Butyl Cellosolve, or its equivalent, is
fast idle (1,000 to 1,200 rpm) for approximately 30
minutes. Then, stop and immediately restart the engine.
There is a possibility that the engine is not entirely free
of contaminant deposits if the starting speed is slow.
Use extreme care in the handling of
10. If the procedures for cleaning the lubricating oil
these chemicals to prevent serious
system were not successful, it will be necessary to
injury to the person or damage to
disassemble the engine and to clean the affected parts
finished surfaces. Wash off spilled
fluid immediately with clean water.
Make certain that the cause of the internal coolant leak
If the engine is still in running condition, proceed as
has been corrected before returning the engine to
1. Drain all of the lubricating oil.
2. Remove and discard the spin-on filter.
3. Mix two parts of Butyl Cellosolve, or its equivalent,
with one part SAE 10 engine oil. Fill the engine
crankcase to the proper operating level with the mixture.