TM 5-3895-359-14&P
3. Install the upper bearing shell, the one with a short oil
groove at each parting line, in the connecting rod.
The current connecting rod bolt is
Lubricate the bearing shell with clean engine oil.
.200 " longer than the former bolt.
After the oil pump piping is installed,
4. Position the piston, rod and liner assembly in line
bar the engine over for a clearance
with the block bore (Fig. 14) so the identification
number on the rod is facing the blower side of the
occurs, loosen the pipe or item
engine and the matchmarks on the liner and the block
involved and retighten it while
are in alignment. Guide the end of the connecting rod
holding it away from the point of
through the block bore carefully to avoid damaging or
dislodging the bearing shell. Then slide the piston, rod
and liner assembly straight into the block bore until the
8. Check the connecting rod side clearance.
liner flange rests against the insert in the counterbore in
clearance must be .006 " to .012 "
the block.
9. Install the remaining liner, piston and rod assemblies
5. Push or pull the piston and connecting rod into the
in the same manner. Use hold-down clamps to hold
liner until the upper bearing shell is firmly seated on the
each liner in place.
crankshaft journal.
10. After all of the liners and pistons have been
6. Place the lower bearing shell, the one with the
installed, remove the hold-down clamps.
continuous oil groove from one parting line to the other,
in the connecting rod cap, with the tang on the bearing
11. Install new compression gaskets and water and oil
shell in the notch in the connecting rod bearing cap.
Lubricate the bearing shell with clean engine oil.
cylinder head and any other parts which were removed
from the engine.
7. Install the bearing cap and the bearing shell on the
connecting rod with the identification numbers on the
12. After the engine has been completely reassembled,
cap and the rod adjacent to each other. Be sure the
connecting rod bolt has not turned in the connecting rod
and refill the crankcase to the proper level on the
before torque is applied to the nut.
Tighten the
connecting rod bolt nuts to 60-70 Ib-ft (81-95 Nm) torque
(lubrite nut) or 65-75 Ib-ft (88-102 Nm) torque
13. Close all of the drains and fill the cooling system.
(castellated nut).
14. If new parts such as pistons, rings, cylinder liners or
bearings were installed, operate the engine on the run-in