TM 5-3895-359-14&P
4. Install the balance weight on the balance shaft in the
Install Front Balance Weights
same manner.
1. Apply heavy cup grease to the steel faces of the
5. Slip an internal tooth lock washer over the end of
thrust washers and install the washers up against the
each shaft. Start the nuts on both shafts.
camshaft and balance shaft and bearings.
6. Place a block of wood between the balance weights
2. Install Woodruff keys in the keyways at the front end
as shown in Fig. 2 and tighten the retaining nuts to 300-
of the camshaft and the balance shaft.
325 Ib-ft (407-441 Nm) torque.
3. Align the keyway in the balance weight hub with the
7. Install the balance weight cover, using a new gasket.
key in the shaft and slide the balance weight on the