TM 5-3895-359-14&P
The hex head of the crankshaft bolt may be used to bar,
7. Thread the crankshaft pulley retaining bolt with
or turn, the crankshaft. However, the barring operation
washer, into the crankshaft and tighten it as follows:
should ALWAYS be performed in a clockwise direction.
It is very important to make certain that the bolt has not
a. Tighten to 180 lb-ft (244 Nm) torque.
been loosened during the barring operation. Otherwise
b. Strike the end of the bolt a sharp blow with a 2 to 3
serious engine damage may result if the vibration
lb. lead hammer.
damper or pulley is not securely fastened to the
c. Tighten to 300 lb-ft (407 Nm) torque and strike the
bolt again.
d. Tighten to 290-310 lb-ft (393-421 Nm) torque.
The damper assembly must be
securely fastened to the crankshaft.
When the bolt is drawn up to the
Do not strike the bolt after final
specified torque, the cones will hold
torque has been applied.
the damper rigidly in place.
8. Install drive line adapter plate on crankshaft pulley
with five capscrews.