TM 5-3895-342-12
Lubricate sparingly but more often. Clean oil filler cap and opening before servicing. Service air cleaner and
oil filter frequently.
b. Fuel System. Keep fuel tank clean and tightly covered. Service the fuel strainer daily.
2-14. Operation Under Humid Conditions Or In Salt Water Areas
a. General. Salt water causes rapid corrosion. Keep equipment clean. Wash the mixer frequently with
clean, fresh water to prevent salt water corrosion. When possible, use natural barriers erected to protect the
b. Fuel System. Fill fuel tank at
end of
day's operation to
minimize condensation. Service the fuel
strainer daily.
c. Electrical System. Salt water and high humidity cause corrosion and poor connections in electrical
components. Remove corrosion from the connections when evident. Coat the battery terminals with grease to
protect them from the weather.
d. After operational cleaning, apply lubricant to exposed finished surfaces and cables to prevent rust
and/or corrosion damage.
2-15. Operation at High Altitudes.
As altitude increases, the density of air decreases with a resultant decrease in oxygen for combustion and a
reduction in horsepower. For each 1, 000 feet of altitude above sea level there will be 3 reduction in
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