TM 5-3895-372-10
(5) When all aggregates are dumped, disengage the main clutch. Close the control valve (fig. 2-41).
(6) Open the washout hose valve and use the washout hose to clean the mixing trough (fig. 2-24).
(7) Loosen the stopscrews (fig. 3-16). Close the aggregates gates by turning the handwheels to the left.
(8) Engage the cement bin clutch (fig. 3-15). Push to the left, then lower the locking arm.
c. Drain and Blow Moisture from the Water System.
(2) Be sure you are in an area suitable for draining up to 400 gallons (1514 L) of water. Open the drain valve
(3) Open the left side access panels. Use the props to hold them open (fig. 3-20).
(6) Be sure the air shutoff valve is open (fig. 3-21). Remove the caps from the air fittings one at a time. Blow
air into them with the auxiliary hose until no more water comes from the draincocks.
(7) If available, inject 10-25 drops or a teaspoon of alcohol or other antifreeze into the air fittings and blow
compressed air into the water system to prevent frosting and freezing of the water pump and valves. Install
the air fitting caps.