TM 5-3895-372-10
(1) To make a useable solution with calcium chloride flakes, you will need a clean 55 gallon drum with the top
removed, water, and 200 lbs of calcium flakes.
(2) Method: Fill the drum half full of water, add 200 lbs of calcium flakes. Then fill the drum with water. This
will give you a solution that contains close to 1 lb of calcium for each qt of solution. 4 qts-gal, and you have 50 gallons of
solution, so:
50 multiplied by 4 = 200 qts and you have added 200 lbs of flakes, so 1 qt
contains 1 lb calcium.
Calculations are based on solutions with one ounce of
admix per six ounces of solution .
Figure 2-9. Low-Flow Admix Worksheet.
TA 075475