TM 5-3895-369-14
Check all parts for damage, cracks, breaks, or deterioration. Replace unserviceable parts.
Do not allow grease or oil to contact brake linings. Linings can absorb grease and oil, causing early
glazing and very poor braking action. Failure to do so could cause serious injury or death to personnel.
Measure thickness of brake linings. If brake linings are less then 1/8 in. (3 mm) thick at thinnest point,
brake shoes must be replaced or repaired (refer to para 5-71, Brake Shoe Repair for repair of secondary
brake shoe).
c. Assembly.
To assemble manual adjuster (18), install assembled hardware and bracket (25) on backing plate (5) with
screw (19), lockwasher (20), washer (21) and shim (22).
Apply lubricant to all points of contact and threads of adjusting screws (24 and 23). Install adjusting
screws in bracket (25). Turn adjusting screws all the way in.