TM 5-3895-359-14&P
6. Pack wheel bearings with grease and install.
7. Replace seal (39).
1. Inspect pivot pin axle bushings (4), thrust
8. Adjust wheel bearings by torqueing adjustment
washers (3) and spacer (5) for wear or looseness.
nut (47), to 10 ft. lbs. and then back off nut until cotter
Replace if necessary.
pin can be installed. Replace hub cap (48).
2. Inspect tie rod ends (28), (31) for excessive
9. Check adjustment of wheel toe IN. Proper
looseness. Replace if necessary.
adjustment is +1/8" 1/16". If adjustment is necessary,
loosen clamps (29) and turn tie rod (32) in one direction
3. Inspect steering knuckle pins (16) for excessive
or the other to obtain the correct adjustment. Tighten
looseness. Replace bushings (14), and thrust bearings
clamps (29).
(18) if necessary.
10. Check adjustments of wheel stops (26), steering
4. Disassemble wheel bearings (45) and (40) of
both wheels.
cylinder should not bottom.
5. Inspect bearings and replace if necessary.