TM 5-3895-359-14&P
and cover. Coat the two large "O" rings with petroleum
2. Control Valve Sub-Assembly - Check that the
jelly and install them in the grooves in the body and
valve moves freely in its bore in the cover and check
the valve and cover bore for excessive wear and
Replace both the cover and valve sub-
a. Place the ring against the pump body so
assembly if they are deeply scored.
that the cam contour is the same as at disassembly and
the arrows point in the correct direction of rotation
3. Bearings - Replace the bearings if there is any
Install the rotor and insert the vanes in the rotor so that
roughness in their action or if any race or ball is pitted,
the radiused edges are against the ring cam. Position
cracked or scored.
the pressure plate over the locating pins. Be sure the
4. Driveshaft and Shaft Seal - Always replace the
plate is flat against the ring.
seal at overhaul. Check the sealing journal on the shaft
b. Insert the spring in the cover bore and
for scoring. Replace the shaft if it is worn; do not install
install the control valve, small land toward the cartridge.
a worn shaft with a new seal.
Install the cover over the pressure plate and flush
5. Body and Cover - Stone the mating surfaces if
against the ring. Install the cover screws and tighten
there are any burrs or sharp edges. Rewash the parts
them to 25-30 foot pounds torque. Turn the drive shaft
after stoning.
through by hand to be sure it does not bind.
c. Reservoir - Place the gaskets and spacers
on top of the pump and install the tank and tank screws.
Torque tighten the screws to 4248 inch pounds. Plug
1. General - Immerse all parts in clean hydraulic
the ports in the pump cover and fill the reservoir with
oil to facilitate assembly and prevent damage to seals.
clean hydraulic fluid poured through a micron filter.
2. Shaft End - Carefully seat the inboard (body)
Turn the driveshaft several times in the proper direction
bearing in the body by pressing on the outer race.
of rotation to fill all the pump chambers and then refill
Install the outboard bearing on the shaft by supporting
the reservoir.
the inner race and pressing the shaft into it. Using the
Install the tank cover gasket and cover.
shaft seal driver. Install the shaft seal with the lip facing
Assemble the bolt guide and gasket and install the guide
inward. Be sure that both bearings and the seal are
in the cover. Assemble the lockwasher and washer on'
properly seated. Lubricate the seal lip with petroleum
jelly and slide the shaft into position. Install the snapring
the cover screw and install and tighten the screw.
in the body.
3. Cover End - Support the body on blocks with the
shaft end down before reassembling the pump cartridge