TM 5-3895-359-14&P
setting never needs adjusting and no provision for
adjustment is provided.
Precautions must be taken when working on or around
Remove Alternator
alternators. The diodes and transistors in the alternator
circuit are very sensitive and can be easily destroyed.
Disconnect the cables at the battery supply.
Disconnect all other leads from the alternator and tag
Avoid grounding or shorting the output wires. Never run
each one to ensure correct reinstallation.
2. Loosen the mounting bolts and the adjusting strap
Grounding an alternator's output wire or terminals, which
bolt. Then remove the drive belts.
are always "hot" regardless of whether or not the engine
is running or accidental reversing of the battery polarity
3. While supporting the alternator, remove the adjusting
will destroy the diodes. Grounding the field circuit will
strap bolt and washers. Then remove the mounting
also result in the destruction of the diodes.
bolts, washers and nuts.
Remove the alternator
carefully and protect it from costly physical damage.
Accidentally reversing the battery connections must be
4. Remove the pulley assembly if the alternator is to be
Never disconnect the battery while an alternator is in
Disconnecting the battery will result in
damage to the diodes due to the momentary high
Alternator Service
voltage and current generated by the rapid collapse of
No periodic adjustments or maintenance are required on
the magnetic field surrounding the field windings.
the alternator assembly. However, Troubleshooting
If a booster battery is to be used, the batteries must be
Procedures will indicate when repairs or overhaul are
connected correctly (negative to negative and positive
to positive).
connections and the internal parts of the alternator are
Never use a fast charger with the battery connected or
complete from the alternator to the battery through the
as a booster for battery output.
fuel pressure switch and ammeter when the engine is
Never attempt to polarize the alternator.
The alternator diodes are also sensitive to heat and care
must be exercised to prevent damage to them from
Alternator Maintenance
1. Maintain the proper drive belt tension. Replace worn
or frayed belts.
When installing or adjusting the
drive belt, be sure the bolt at the
pivot point is properly tightened, as
well as the bolt in the adjusting slot.
Alternator bearings are permanently lubricated.
There are no external oiler fittings.
Fig. 4 - Terminal Connections.
3. The solid state regulator is mounted inside the
alternator slip ring end frame. The regulator voltage