TM 5-3895-359-14&P
4. Carefully slide a rod, approximately 12" long,
through the injector tube until the end of the rod rests on
top of the piston.
5. Place the throttle in the no-fuel position. Then turn
the crankshaft slowly in the direction of engine rotation.
Stop when the rod reaches the end of its upward travel.
Remove the rod and turn the crankshaft, opposite the
direction of rotation, between 1/16 and 1/8 of a turn.
6. Select a dial indicator with .001 " graduations and
with a spindle movement of at least one inch. Provide
an extension for the indicator spindle. The extension
must be long enough to contact the piston just before it
reaches the end of its upward stroke. Also select
suitable mounting attachments for the indicator so that it
can be mounted over the injector tube in the cylinder
7. Mount the indicator over the injector tube. The
indicator mounting may be threaded into the rocker
cover stud or the tapped hole in the cylinder head.
Make sure that the indicator spindle is free in the
Fig. 3. Checking Engine Timing By Measuring
injector tube and is free to travel at least one inch.
Injector Depression
*Indicator Reading
8. Attach a suitable pointer to the crankshaft front cover
or engine front end plate as illustrated in Fig. 2. The
1 Tooth
1 Tooth
pointer should extend over the vibration damper (or
Standard Timing
crankshaft pulley).
*Indicator readings shown are nominal values. The
9. Turn the crankshaft slowly in the direction of engine
allowable tolerance is .005 in.
rotation until the indicator hand stops moving. Continue
turning the crankshaft until the indicator hand starts to
move again.
16. Install the injector as outlined on Page 10-3-8 or 10-
10. Reset the dial indicator to zero. Turn the crankshaft
3-23. Then refer to Chapter 10 and adjust the valve
until the indicator reading is .010 ".
clearance and time the injector.
11. Scribe a line on the vibration damper (or crankshaft
17. Turn the crankshaft, in the direction of engine
pulley) in line with the end of the pointer.
rotation, until the exhaust valves in the cylinder selected
are completely open. Re-install the dial indicator so the
12. Slowly turn the crankshaft opposite the direction of
indicator spindle rests on top of the injector follower
engine rotation until the indicator hand stops moving.
(Fig. 3). Then set the indicator on zero. Next turn the
Continue turning the crankshaft until the indicator hand
crankshaft slowly in the direction of engine rotation until
starts to move again.
the center mark on the pulley is in line with the pointer.
13. Set the dial to zero. Then turn the crankshaft until
18. Note the indicator reading and compare it with the
the indicator reading is .010 "
14. Scribe a second line on the vibration damper (or
19. After completing the timing check, remove the dial
crankshaft pulley) in line with the end of the pointer.
indicator. Also remove the pointer from the crankshaft
front cover.
15. Scribe a third line halfway between the first two
lines. This is top-dead-center. The three scribed lines
20. Install the valve rocker cover.
are shown on the crankshaft pulley in Fig. 2. Remove
the indicator and rod from the engine.
If the crankshaft pulley retaining bolt
has loosened, tighten it to the