TM 5-3895-359-14&P
The engine lifter brackets not only provide a means of
lifting the engine assembly, the cylinder head or the
The lifter brackets must not be
flywheel housing, but also serve as a vent for the
permanently attached until all of the
cylinder head stud nuts or retaining
bolts have been tightened to their
The rear engine lifter bracket is also provided with
specified torque.
drilled bosses to permit the use of a throttle control
crosshaft. Lifter brackets require no servicing other than
4. Install the bolts finger tight, draw them down snug
removal during other service operations.
and then tighten to the specified torque. Draw the bolts
down in the proper sequence (Fig. 2) for each of these
Install Engine Lifter Bracket
steps to draw the mating parts together evenly, thus
providing a good seal. Tighten the bolts to 55-60 lb-ft
1. Remove all traces of the old gasket material.
2. Affix a new gasket to the front lifter bracket.
5. Install the rear lifter bracket to the cylinder head and
flywheel housing in a similar manner.
3. Attach the lifter bracket and gasket to the cylinder
head with two bolts and to the front balance weight
cover with two bolts.
Fig. 2. Typical Installation of Lifter Bracket and
Bolt Tightening Sequence.
Fig. 1. Engine Lifter Brackets.