TM 5-3895-359-14&P
shaft being careful not to damage the seal lip and
Pry seal (J) out from cylinder head. Remove "O" rings
leather seal (P).
(K), (L), (M) and (N) and leather ring (P).
Install "O" rings (M) and (N) on piston and
6. Clean all parts in solvent SD-2 or kerosene and soak
reassemble piston on shaft securing with nut (E).
seal and leather ring in oil before assembly. Coat "O"
rings with oil before assembly. Inspect shaft, piston and
9. Slide piston and rod assembly into cylinder. It may
inside of cylinder for score marks. If worn, they should
be necessary to tap the cylinder head in place to bottom
be replaced.
on shoulder in cylinder. Replace snap ring "A".
10. Reinstall cylinder on machine. Hydraulic oil may be
added to cylinder thru the cylinder connections since
they are facing up. This will help relieve the air.
dangerous. Do not use near open
Connect the hoses and fill hydraulic tank to level plug.
flame or heat.
Run hydraulic system a few minutes, work cylinder and
7. Assembly Press new seal U) into cylinder head (C)
recheck hydraulic oil tank. Add oil if necessary.
with lip of seal facing the outside. Install "0" ring (K),
leather seal (P) and "O" ring (L). Slide cylinder head on
Using a small spanner wrench, back off on the packing
gland (C). Stuffing box and packing gland can now be
Ram removal from machine With the spray bar
removed from rod (D). Pull out packing (E)from stuffing
actuating rod in the vertical position, disconnect hoses
box. Remove wiper (F) from packing gland. Remove
from ram ports. Disconnect ram at the base and rod
"O" ring (G) from stuffing box.
ends. Loosen clamps and remove protective boot.
The piston end parts may be disassembled by removing
Loosen lock nut and thread off the rod end plus the lock
nut (M). The followers U(), piston cups (K), and piston
(L) may be removed. Remove "O" ring (H) from
follower U)
Ram may be held in a lead or brass jawed vise gripped
at the base end.
With the use of a drift pin and hammer, tapping stuffing
box (A) counterclockwise, remove stuffing box. Piston
rod assembly can now be pulled out of cylinder (B).
Assembly All parts should be cleaned, inspected and given a
light coating of oil. Assemble piston end parts in order and
secure with nut (M).