TM 5-3895-359-14&P
B. Lubricate differential case inner walls and all
component parts with axle lubricant.
C. Position thrust washer and side gear in bevel
O. Press yoke against forward bearing and install
gear and case half assembly.
washer and pinion shaft nut.
D. Place spider with pinions and thrust washers in
P. Tighten to specified torque and install cotter
key. Do not back off nut to align cotter key
E. Install component side gear and thrust washer.
F. Align mating marks, position component case
half and draw assembly together with four bolts
or cap screws equally spaced.
A. Rivet bevel gear to case half with new rivets.
G. Check assembly for free rotation of differential
gears and correct if necessary.
If a new gear or differential case is to be used in
H. Install remaining bolts or cap screws, tighten to
the assembly, the rivet holes in the gear and case
specified torque and thread with lock wire.
should be checked for alignment and line reamed if
necessary. The gear must be tight on the case pilot and
I. If bearings are to be replaced, press squarely
riveted flush with the differential case flange. Check
and firmly on differential case halves.
with a .002" feeler gauge.
Rivets should not be heated, but should be upset
cold. When the correct rivet and rivet set is used the
head being formed will be at least 1/8" larger in diameter
The differential bearing pre-load and gear lash
than the rivet hole.
adjustments are obtained by the use of hardened and
The head will then be approximately the same
ground spacers of the correct thickness located between
height as the preformed head. The formed head should
the differential bearing cups and the axle housing. On
not exceed 1/16" less than the preformed head as
this type assembly, no shim pack is required between
excessive pressure will cause distortion of the case
the pinion cage and axle housing.
holes and result in gear eccentricity.