TM 5-3895-359-14&P
Check with dial indicator or feeler gauge
Lock wire must not be brittle; use soft iron wire
between mating thrust surfaces should
to prevent possibility of wire breakage.
have .008" to .012" clearance.
G. Tighten drive pinion nut setscrew (40) and
stake. Set- screw is located in pinion
Use non-hardening type sealer on all
clutch (37).
gaskets, oil seal bores and capscrew threads.
4. Shifting Assembly.
1. Input Drive Pinion (New cups and cones).
A. Shift fork and shifter shaft lockscrew (20)
should be tight and lockwired with soft-
A. Press bearing cups (27) into cup bores of
iron type lockwire. Lockscrew torque 69-
hydraulic motor adapter (28) until seated
73 pounds ft.
firmly against shoulders of motor adapter.
B. Assemble detent springs (38) and balls
B. Press inner bearing cone (26) to shoulder
(39) to clutch pinion (37), apply grease to
of input drive pinion (34).
assist in retaining balls in position.
C. Assemble motor adapter (28) to input
C. Assemble clutch shift collar to shift fork.
drive pinion (34).
NOTE: The tapered portion of the shift
D. Assemble outer bearing cone (26), input
collar is toward the low speed driven gear.
bearing washer (25), adjusting hut lock
D. Assemble shift collar (36) and fork (19) to
(24), and adjusting nut (23).
clutch pinion (37), compressing detent
E. Tighten adjusting nut (23) until rotating
springs and balls and entering the shift
torque is 5 to 15 pound-inches. To check
shaft into shaft bore of transmission case.
torque, wrap soft wire around cage or pilot
5. Complete Assembly.
portion of motor adapter, and pull on
horizontal line with pound scale.
A. Install idler shaft assembly (7), (8), (9) into
position in transmission case.
EXAMPLE: Assuming cage diameter to
be 6 inches the radius would be 3 inches
B. Assemble transmission cover gasket (48),
and with 5 pounds pull would equal 15
cover (33), cover to case dowels and
pound-inches pre-load torque.
Torque bolts 49-53 pounds ft.
F. With bearing preload adjusted to 5 to 15
pound-inch pre-load, lock adjusting nut
C. Assemble hydraulic motor adapter (28)
(23) with locking tab of adjusting nut lock
and gasket (30) to transmission cover.
torque nuts 106-113 pounds ft.
2. Adjusting Idler Shaft Bearings.
D. Using suitable sleeve type driver,
A. With bearing cups and cones pressed to
assemble shift shaft oil seal (18).
position for idler shift (9), install idler shaft
into transmission case (49).
E. Shift transmission and manually rotate
transmission input to determine if shifts
B. With case to cover gasket (48) in position,
are completed.
install transmission cover (33) using about
6 case to cover bolts. (49-53 pound ft.
The Rockwell-Standard Company Unit-Type Housing
C. Increase or decrease shims (4) at idler
Drive Unit is a single-reduction drive of hypoid design.
shaft bearing cap (3) to obtain .000" to
The differential and gear assembly is mounted on
.003" loose bearing adjustment. Rotate
tapered roller bearings with the cups assembled in the
idler shaft to assure proper bearing
case and cover halves of the housing. The straddle
mounted pinion has two tapered roller bearings located
D. After adjusting idler shaft bearings,
forward of the pinion teeth and a radial bearing at the
remove bolts, cover and idler shaft.
inner end.
The pinion shaft is splined to accommodate the flange
3. Assemble Low Speed Driven Gear.
and the bearing pre-load controlled by hardened and
ground spacers of the correct thickness between the
bearings. Bearings are retained in position by the
A. Case capscrews torqued to 138 to 160
companion flange nut.
pound ft. and lockwired with soft-iron type
A. Before disassembling, place length of
B. Wipe oil seal journal with film of grease or
pipe or suitable support, slightly smaller
oil. Coat bronze bushing (41) of low
than axle shaft splines, approximately
speed gear (42) will gear oil.
two-thirds through axle from the case side
C. Assemble gear to bevel pinion oil seal
to prevent dropping the differential
(43), using care not to damage oil seal.
D. Assemble pinion clutch (37) to bevel
B. Remove bolts, nuts and washers from
pinion spline.
case and cover and remove cover half.
E. Assemble and tighten clutch and drive
C. Remove differential and gear assembly.
pinion nut (35) 300 to 500 pounds ft.
D. Remove pipe.
F. Low speed driven gear (42) should be
checked for side journal clearance.