TM 5-3895-359-14&P
4. When using compressed air to clean a component,
A serviceman can be severely injured if caught in the
such as flushing a radiator or cleaning an air cleaner
pulleys, belts or fan of an engine that is accidentally
element, use a safe amount of air. Recommendations
started. To avoid such a misfortune, take these
regarding the use of air are indicated throughout the
precautions before starting to work on an engine:
manual. Too much air can rupture or in some other way
damage a component and create a hazardous situation
Disconnect the battery from the starting system
that can lead to personal injury.
by removing one or both of the battery cables.
With the electrical circuit disrupted, accidental
5. Avoid the use of carbon tetrachloride as a cleaning
contact with the starter button will not produce
agent because of the harmful vapors that it releases.
an engine start.
Use perchlorethylene or trichlorethylene. However,
while less toxic than other chlorinated solvents, use
Make sure the mechanism provided at the
these cleaning agents with caution. Be sure the work
governor for stopping the engine is in the stop
area is adequately ventilated and use protective gloves,
position. This will mean the governor is in the
goggles or face shield, and apron.
no-fuel position. The possibility of the engine
firing by accidentally turning the fan or, in the
Exercise caution against burns when using oxalic acid to
case of vehicle application, by being bumped by
clean the cooling passages of the engine.
another vehicle is minimized.
6. Use caution when welding on or near the fuel tank.
Some Safety Precautions
Possible explosion could result if heat build-up inside
Working On The Engine
the tank is sufficient.
1. Consider the hazards of the job and wear protective
7. Avoid excessive injection of ether into the engine
gear such as safety glasses, safety shoes, hard hat, etc.
during start attempts. Follow the instructions on the
to provide adequate protection.
container or by the manufacturer of the starting aid.
2. When lifting an engine, make sure the lifting device
When working on an engine that is running,
is fastened securely. Be sure the item to be lifted does
accidental contact with the hot exhaust manifold can
not exceed the capacity of the lifting device.
cause severe burns. Remain alert to the location of the
rotating fan, pulleys and belts. Avoid making contact
3. Always use caution when using power tools.
across the two terminals of a battery which can result in
severe arcing.
Proper service and repair is important to the safe, reliable operation of all motor vehicles. The
service procedures recommended by Detroit Diesel Allison and described in this service manual
are effective methods for performing service operations. Some of these service operations
require the use of tools specially designed for the purpose. The special tools should be used
when and as recommended.
It is important to note that some warnings against the use of specific service methods that can
damage the vehicle or render it unsafe are stated in this service manual. It is also important to
understand these warnings are not exhaustive. Detroit Diesel Allison could not possibly know,
evaluate and advise the service trade of all conceivable ways in which service might be done or
of the possible hazardous consequences of each way. Consequently, Detroit Diesel Allison has
not undertaken any such broad evaluation. Accordingly, anyone who uses a service procedure
or tool which is not recommended by Detroit Diesel Allison must first satisfy himself thoroughly
that neither his safety nor vehicle safety will be jeopardized by the service method he selects.