TM 5-3895-359-14&P
(2) Install driven disc, making sure that it is properly
The Rotor drive clutch is a Lipe type DPB direct
positioned and insert an aligning shaft. The long end of
pressure clutch.
It is a precision heavy duty unit
the driven disc hub extends toward the transmission.
incorporating few parts. This clutch assembly requires no
Make sure that the driven disc hub does not come within
maintenance other than maintaining release bearing
5/32" of the pilot bearing.
clearance which is accomplished by normal linkage
(3) Bolt the cover assembly to the flywheel,
tightening each SAE Grade 8 cap screw gradually until
the cover is drawn up tight using 45 lbs./ft. of torque.
Extreme care must be exercised to make sure flywheel
The operation of the Lipe Direct Pressure clutch is
ring or cover is seated in piloting rim on flywheel.
as follows: The clutch flywheel ring (cover) is attached to
the engine flywheel and drives the pressure plate by
(4) To obtain complete disengagement of Type
means of driving lugs in the flywheel ring (cover) and
DPB, clutch assemblies, the release levers must be
mating slots in the pressure plate.
actuated a specified distance from the engaged position.
Assuming the release bearing clearance (distance
Depressing the clutch pedal disengages the
between the clutch release levers and release bearing)
clutch, by allowing the release bearing to contact and
to be 1/8" when the clutch is in the engaged position, the
move the release levers toward the engine flywheel
release bearing must move forward 1/8" to take up this
resulting in the pressure springs being compressed and
clearance before it contacts the release levers and then
the pressure plate being retracted away from the disc
move the normal amount of travel required to disengage
assembly; thereby disengaging the clutch.
the clutch as shown below.
Releasing the clutch pedal engages the clutch by
allowing the release bearing and release levers to move
away from the engine flywheel and the pressure springs to
If release levers are not in plane, it is
expand and exert pressure against the pressure plate,
an indication that cover is not
resulting in the disc assembly being gripped between
properly seated in flywheel. Check
friction surfaces of engine flywheel and pressure plate;
"A" dimension, Fig. 20. The correct
thereby completely engaging the clutch.
"A" dimension is 1".
(1) Dimension 'A' is the distance from the top of the
clutch flywheel ring (cover) to ends of release levers.
(1) Check flywheel for correct depth.
The correct
See Fig. 2.
depth is 1.750".
(2) Check for correct 'A' Dimension. Satisfactory
operation of the clutch depends greatly upon the
(2) Replace release bearing and carrier, and flywheel
accuracy of the lever setting, as this controls the parallel
pilot bearing. Pilot bearing should be a hand press fit in
movement of the pressure plate.
the flywheel recess and on the transmission drive gear.
The release yoke or fork should contact the release
(3) A straight edge and scale will provide a means
bearing carrier pads evenly to prevent a bind on the front
of checking the 'A' Dimension as shown in Fig. 2.
bearing cap extension.
(4) See Chart on page 4-4 for release lever travel
(3) The friction face of the flywheel must be free from
(5) New or genuine Lipe-Rollway exchange cover
heat cracks, score marks and taper. The presence of any
assemblies are pre-adjusted at the factory and the lever
of these conditions will have an adverse effect on clutch
settings shall not be altered. If the 'A' dimension does
function and life.
not check out within 1/32" recheck the complete
installation and, if necessary, remove the cover.
(1) It is a good idea to try the cover assembly on the
flywheel without the disc assembly to check fit where
cover is piloted at O. D.