TM 5-3895-359-14&P
4. Attach bleeder hose 2-3' long to bleeder
screw and insert hose to bottom of bottle
half-filled with fluid.
5. Open valve on Bleeder to pressurize
master cylinder and brake system.
6. Open bleed screw and observe discharge
of air and fluid into bottle.
7. When bubbles stop flowing from the hose,
turn bleeder screw to "off" (tight) position.
b. Bleeding procedure with helper operating brake
pedal and master cylinder.
1. Fill master cylinder and attach bleeder
hose to wheel cylinder bleeder screw.
2. Insert bleeder hose in a bottle half-filled
with fluid.
Figure 7. Wheel Cylinder Exploded View
3. Have helper slowly depress brake pedal,
while you open bleeder screw. Observe
drum assembly. Adjust brakes. Bleed brakes. Top off
bubbles at end of bleeder hose.
master cylinder.
4. When bubbles cease flowing from hose,
have helper stop the pedal depression.
5. Close the bleeder screw by tightening.
The brake system requires a solid oil linkage for efficient
operation. All air must be bled from the system.
Each wheel cylinder has a bleeder screw with a bulbous
Two simple pedal adjustments are provided. One for
fitting to accommodate a piece of rubber hose for
pedal lash to insure the uncovering of the brake master
bleeding. The bulbous end of the bleeder screw is
cylinder compensating port and, one to level the brake
0.308" diameter. It will fit a 9/32" I. D. hose.
pedals. The latter also acts as a pedal stop on pedal
return spring action. Access for adjustments is through
A brake pressure "Bleeder" can be used or the master
panel provided above master cylinders on operator's
cylinder can be used for bleeding purposes. If the
master cylinder is used, the oil reservoir in the cylinder
must be kept filled at all times during bleeding.
a. The pedal lash adjustment is made on the
master cylinder to pedal linkage link adjacent to the link
a. Bleeding procedure with pressure "Bleeder".
boot and clevis. Adjust for 3/8" pedal travel before
1. Fill pressure "Bleeder" with fluid and then
master cylinder piston movement.
charge to proper pressure with air.
b. The pedal stop or leveling adjustments are on
2. Fill brake master cylinder and attach
the cylinder mounting bracket above the pedal linkage.
"Bleeder hose" to master cylinder.
3. Fill a bottle (clean) with hydraulic fluid to
half-full point.