TM 5-3895-372-34
Remove vanes (19, fig. 3-4), rotor (20), and stator and ring assembly (21).
k. Inspect rotor (20) outside lobes for pits and wear marks. If pits or wear marks are visible, dies-card and
replace rotor set consisting of the vanes (19), rotor (20), and the stator and ring assembly (21).
Remove thrust bearing (16).
Remove retaining ring (2) and key (1).
Remove coupling shaft (14).
o. Remove sleeve (27) by inserting screwdriver between sleeve (27) and housing (8) and pry up. Remove rust
from ends of sleeve by sanding lightly.
Remove seal ring (9) from housing (8) and discard seal ring (9).
Remove housing (8) from vise, turn over and reclamp in vise with dirt seal (3) end pointed up.
Remove dirt seal (3), retaining ring (4), back-up washer (5), shim (6), and seal (7) from hous-ing (8). Discard
dirt seal (3) and seal (7). Remove burrs from retaining ring groove with a scraping tool.
s. DO NOT REMOVE thrust washers (10), thrust bearing (11), and bearings (13) and (15) unless there is
evidence of damage. Bearings should be free to rotate and not show signs of surface breakdown. If bearing (13) requires
replacement, use a 1.490 in. (37.85 mm) maximum diameter shaft and press out thrust washers (10 and 12), thrust
bearing (11), and bearings (13 and 15). The housing face should be placed on a block of wood during the pressing
operation to protect it. Discard thrust washers (10 and 12), thrust bearing (11), and bearings (13 and 15) - replace with new
parts, as parts may have been damaged when being pressed out. If bearing (15) needs replacement, use a bearing puller
to remove bear-ing - care must be taken to not damage housing (8) face with bearing puller.
During assembly, be careful to follow these general instructions.
Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 PSI. Use only with effective
chip guarding and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield, gloves, etc.).
Before assembly, use drycleaning SD-2 solvent to wash all metal parts. Blow dry with air.
Be sure all paint chips have been removed.
Unless otherwise indicated, do not oil or grease parts before assembly.
Lubricate all seals before assembly. Use OE/HDO 10W40 oil or clean grease (GAA).