TM 5-3895-372-10
Figure 1-1. Major Components and Their Location
(1) Water Tank - The water tank holds 400 gallons (1514 I) of potable (drinkable) water. The water flow is
adjusted by a control valve for use in the mix operation. Water in this tank is also used for cleanup after mixing operations.
(2) Sand and Stone Bins - The sand bin and stone bin are actually two compartments of the same vessel. The
sand bin portion (left side), holds 40 percent of the total aggregate carried by the mixer. The stone bin portion (right side),
holds 60 percent of the total aggregates. Since damp sand has a tendency to bridge over the conveyor, the bins have a
shaker system to break up packed sand. The main conveyor belt carries sand and stone from the bottom of the bins to
the mixing trough.
(3) Cement Bin - The cement bin holds 63 cubic feet (1.78 m3) of dry cement for mixing up to 8 cubic yards
(6.12 m3) of cement. The bin contains an aerator system for "fluffing" the cement. Fluffing is necessary because cement
has a tendency to pack, especially during transport. The bin also has an auger and a feeder. The auger conveys cement
to a rotary type feeder The feeder dispenses cement onto the main conveyor belt.
TA 075462