TM 5-3895-369-14(3)Install rod guide (11) on piston rod (5).(4)Install crown seal (10) and wear ring (9) onpiston (7).(5)Install preformed packing (8) on pistonrod (5).(6)Install piston (7) on piston rod (5) withlocknut (6).(7)Lubricate piston rod (5), assembled parts,and inside of cylinder body (2) withhydraulic fluid.(8)Install piston rod (5) and assembled parts incylinder body (2) with two retainingrings (3 and 4).Sealant can damage your eyes. Wear safetygoggles/glasses when using; avoid contactwith eyes. If sealant contacts eyes, flusheyes with water and get immediate medicalattention.(9)Apply hydraulic sealant to threads of twofittings (1) and install fittings in cylinderbody (2).NOTEFollow-on Maintenance: Install gate cylinder (para 4-146).END OF TASK5 - 5 1 5
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