TM 5-3895-359-14&P
Chart 8
NOTE: Lube oil consumption must be verified after each repair is made.
1 & 2. Repair oil leaks by replacing necessary gaskets,
9. Pressure test cooling system.
If leak is found,
seals or tightening connections. Steam cleaning the
remove and replace the oil cooler.
engine and operating at no-load rpm, (engine at
Inspect the engine coolant for lubricating oil
operating temperature) will often reveal excessive oil
core. Then use a good grade of cooling system cleaner
to remove the oil from the cooling system.
3. Check dipstick and tube for proper oil pan levels to
10. Replace worn exhaust valve guides.
correct overfilled crankcase.
11. Take compression test refer to Item 14.
4. Check crankcase pressure.
Clean breathers and
12. Run engine at idle speed with the air box cover
recheck crankcase pressure.
removed (one at a time) to determine if oil is
uncontrolled as evidenced by slobbering out the liner
ports. Inspect all cylinders as more than one may be
5. Overhaul blower, or rekit engine (refer to Items 9, 13
slobbering. Repair affected cylinders. Slobbering can
and 14). Also, refer to the Excessive Crankcase
also be caused by worn oil control rings.
Pressure chart.
CAUTION: Extreme care should be
taken to prevent personal injury.
for wetness or oil discharge. Excessive clearance
between the valve stem and the valve guide can
13. Check for faulty engine air induction system
produce oil in the cylinders and stack. Repair the valve
allowing contaminated air to enter the engine. A
guides and/or install valve stem seals.
compression test with excessively low readings will
indicate worn out cylinders. Remove and replace
7. Refer to the Abnormal Engine Operation chart.
cylinder kits.
8. Remove the piping from the air inlet housing and
14. Refer to Items 9, 13 and 14.
remove from the to blower. Operate the engine at
approximately one-half throttle and at idle and inspect
15. Refer to Item 14.
blower end plates for evidence of oil leakage past the
seals. Use a flashlight to illuminate the end plates. If
16. Check the crankshaft thrust washers for wear.
excessive oil leakage is evident on the end plates,
Replace wore and defective parts.
overhaul blower.
17. Decrease the installation angle.
Extreme care should be taken to prevent personal
18. Fill the crankcase to the proper level only.