TM 5-3895-359-14&P
the clearance between the gear teeth is measured.
5. Affix a new gasket (27) to the pump end of the inlet
pipe (19), then attach the pipe to the oil pump.
When adjusting for gear tooth
6. Set the screen cover (17) over the outer end of the
clearance by installing or removing shims, the
oil inlet pipe (19) and secure it to the pipe and
same number of shims must be changed
brackets (18) with bolts (64) washer, lock washers,
under each foot so that the pump will always
and nuts (65). Tighten the bracket bolts (58) to the
be level on the main bearing caps. The
bearing caps.
insertion or removal of one .005" shim will
change the gear tooth clearance by .0035".
7. Place the screen (2) in the cover (17) and lock it in
place with retainer (16).
3. Place a new gasket (76) between the outlet pipe and
the pressure regulator and bolt the two parts together
8. Re-check all bolts for tightness to assure there will be
loosely. Use a new gasket (35) and secure the outlet
no leaks in the oil pump and pipe mounting
pipe (15) to the oil pump body (3) with the bolts not
over 7/8" long. Attach the pressure regulator (68) to
the cylinder block using a new gasket (70).
9. Place a new gasket on the oil pan and install the oil
pan on the cylinder block. All the oil pan bolts should
When attaching the pump outlet and the pressure
be started before any are tightened. Bolts should be
regulator, none of the bolts should be tightened until
tightened snugly but not excessively, starting with the
all the bolts have been started. After all bolts are
center bolts and working toward each end of the oil
started, the outlet pipe bolts (57) should be tightened
pan. Excessive tightening of the bolts will crush the
alternately, then the pressure regulator bolts (71)
oil pan gasket unnecessarily.
should be tightened, and finally the pipe-to-regulator
bolts (77) should be secured. This procedure
10. Fill the crankcase to the proper level with the oil
prevents twisting the outlet pipe.
recommended in the Lubricating Oil Specifications
4. Attach the pump screen brackets (18) to the main
bearing caps with lock washers and bolts (58). Do
not tighten the bolts.