TM 5-3895-359-14&P
Fig. 8. Removing or Installing Cam Follower Roller using Tool J 5840-01
The hardened bolt is necessary to
obtain the proper torque and to
withstand the stress imposed on it
during engine operation.
Refer to Fig. 9 and install the cam follower and push
rod as follows:
Install Rocker Arms and Shaft
1. Assemble the serrated lower spring seat (Fig. 6).
spring, upper spring seat and locknut on the push rod.
The injector rocker arm (center arm of the group) is
slightly different from the exhaust valve rocker arms:
2. With the spring retainer in place in the cylinder head,
the boss for the shaft on the left and right-hand valve
slide the push rod assembly in position from the bottom
rocker arms is longer on one side. The extended boss
of the head.
of each valve rocker arm must face toward the injector
rocker arm.
3. Note the oil hole in the bottom of the cam follower.
With the oil hole directed away from the exhaust
NOTE: If the rocker arm is damaged or
valves (Fig. 10), slide the cam follower in position from
breaks, the push rod should always be
the bottom of the head.
changed out when the new rocker arm
is installed. A damaged rocker arm can
4. Attach the follower guide to the cylinder head to hold
cause side loading and weakening of
the group of three cam followers in place. Tighten the
the push rod. If reused, a sideloaded
guide bolts to 12-15 lb-ft (16-20 Nm) torque. Check to
push rod can break.
be sure there is at least .005" clearance between the
cam follower legs and the cam follower guide (Fig. 11).
1. Thread each rocker arm on its push rod until the end
If there is insufficient clearance, loosen the guide bolts
of the push rod is flush with or above the inner side of
slightly and tap each corner of the guide with a brass rod
the clevis yoke. This will provide sufficient initial
(Fig. 12). Then retighten the bolts to the specified
clearance between the exhaust valve and the piston
when the crankshaft is turned during the valve clearance
adjustment procedure.
NOTE: It is important to use the correct
bolts as prescribed in the parts books.