TM 5-3895-359-14&P
aa. After assembly, turn pump shaft with a six
b. Stop pump and rotate drive shaft coupling by
inch adjustable wrench. If shaft turns with a slight
hand, to determine, if drive shaft is free. If drive
drag and not too freely, add or remove as many
shaft cannot be turned freely, remove and rebuild
(0.001") or(0.002") gaskets as necessary to obtain
proper clearance.
c. Resume test and apply 1000 P.S.I. for 10
second periods as done above for 500 P.S.I.
bb. Install outboard bearing assembly. Coat the
I.D. of bearing bore with white lead. Lubricate the
d. Stop pump and check freeness as in (b)
bearing with light grease. Drive the bearing down
over the drive shaft with special tool, Figure 9 until
it bottoms.
e. Check closely for leaks at adapter, housing,
and cap screws and around seal assembly.
cc. Insert snap ring in bearing bore.
f. Be sure oil level is up to normal in reservoir
and make a capacity test on pumps.
pressure to 1000 P.S.I. and run flow test for 2.5
gals./min. at 500 RPM, 5.6 gals./min. at 1000
1. If a shop test stand is available on which a pump
RPM and 1.12 gals./min. at 1800 RPM.
can be mounted and operated. against full pressure
and at maximum speed, the following procedure is
recommended for a break-in test.
2. If a shop test stand is not available, the following
alternate break-in and test procedure may be used.
a. Start pump and run for two minutes at zero
pressure. Be sure the test stand reservoir is full
a. Mount repaired pump in place on equipment
and that all inlet and outlet lines are open. By
and run at zero pressure and at slowest engine
restricting pump discharge line with needle or
speed for one-half hour. Increase engine speed
Globe valve, raise discharge pressure to 500
gradually, until normal operating speed is obtained
P.S.I. for 10 seconds and lower to zero pressure
with hydraulic control valve in neutral position.
for 10 seconds. Continue this procedure for five
With engine at normal speed, increase line
pressure with control valve.
b. Check for possible leaks at mating surfaces of
Do not apply pressure /or more than
adapter, housing and cover and around seal
10 second intervals.
assembly. Check for leakage around the four
assembly cap screws.