TM 5-3895-369-14
Check all mating surfaces for scratches, nicks, or burrs.
Check all machined surfaces for scratches, nicks, or burrs.
Check control unit housing for cracks or damage.
Check all threads for peeled or crossed condition.
Replace all seals, preformed packings, and damaged parts.
Lubricate all seals and preformed packings with clean hydraulic fluid.
Do not over-lubricate seals on meter section.
Coat metal parts with light hydraulic fluid to aid in assembly.
Make sure that check ball retainer sits
straight and is not tilted.
Install check ball retainer (29) and check
ball (28) in control unit housing (4).
Install two preformed packings (27) on
check ball seat (26).
Using a machine screw, install check ball
seat (26) in control unit housing (4) without
twisting or damaging seals.
Install setscrew (25) and tighten setscrew
100 lb-in. (11.3 N°m).