TM 5-3895-369-14
(2) Insert wooden dowels into valve tappets
through cylinder head. Band dowels
together to prevent valve tappets from
falling out of valve bores, or if on stand, first
turn engine up side down and dowels will
not be needed.
(3) Remove two screws (2) from thrust plate (3).
Thrust support will drop when gear is
pulled. Ensure to catch thrust support or
damage will result to thrust support.
(4) Pull camshaft gear (1) partially out from
engine block (4) and remove thrust plate (3).
(5) Remove camshaft gear (1) and camshaft (5)
as an assembly.
(6) Remove camshaft gear (1) and key (6) from
camshaft (5).
(7) Place a trough through camshaft bore
and remove banded wooden dowels in
cylinder head.
Only remove one tappet at a time into
trough. If more than one is removed, a
tappet could fall into oil pan.
If engine is upside down in stand and
oil pan removed, tappets can be
removed from bottom of engine block
without using trough.
(8) Remove 12 valve tappets (7) into trough.