TM 5-3895-359-14&P
completely before reusing (a fan or air draft may be
Disassemble the cleaner in Fig. 1 as follows:
used, but do not heat the element to hasten drying).
1. Loosen the dust cup clamp and remove the dust cup.
The filter manufacturer has no control over the field
cleaning method or procedure. Therefore, it is the
2. Loosen the wing bolt in the dust cup and remove the
responsibility of the person or shop cleaning the element
baffle from the dust cup.
to assure the reliability of the filter after cleaning. It is
also the responsibility of the installer to assure proper
3. Remove the wing bolt from the cleaner body and
sealing of the gaskets.
remove the element assembly.
3. Inspect the cleaned element with a light bulb after
4. Remove the dust and thoroughly clean the cleaner
each cleaning. Thin spots, pin holes, or the slightest
body, dust cup and baffle.
rupture will admit sufficient air borne dirt to render the
element unfit for further use and cause rapid failure of
The paper pleated element assembly can be cleaned as
the piston rings. Replace the element assembly if
4. Inspect the gasket on the end of the element. If the
gasket is damaged or missing, replace the element.
1. The element can be dry cleaned by directing clean
Reassemble the air cleaner in reverse order of
air up and down the pleats on the clean air side of the
disassembly. Replace the air cleaner body gasket, if
NOTE: Air pressure at the nozzle of the air
NOTE: Do not use oil in the bottom of the
hose must not exceed 30 psi (207 kPa).
cleaner body.
Maintain a reasonable distance between the
nozzle and the element.
The element assembly should be replaced after six (6)
cleanings, or annually.
2. To wash the element, use the Donaldson Filter
Element Life
ounces of cleaner to I gallon of water. For best mixing
The recommended product life (shelf life plus service
results, use a small amount of cool tap water then add it
life) of Donaldson dry type air cleaner elements is three
to warm (100 or 38 ) water to give the proper
years. Consequently, Donaldson elements should be
proportion. Soak the element for 15 minutes, then rinse
put into service no later than two years from the date of
it thoroughly with clean water from a hose (maximum
pressure 40 psi or 276 kPa). Air dry the element